Wie is Wendy?

Projectmanager building structures | Inspiration = technology+business+interdisciplinary teamwork | Ambitious | hard working | But always with a smile!

I’m highly interested in topics such as knowledge sharing and team processes in combination with technical expertise. For superb integral solutions and innovation, a good team process and communication is vital.

I believe that for truly sustainable and innovative solutions, the combination of technology, with strategic/business issues and interdisciplinary collaboration plays a key role. Therefore, I wanted to complement my technical background with business knowledge and started studying MScBa at RSM Erasmus University. (besides my work). I’ve completed the foundation year (General Management Program) and the Strategic Management Program and now I’m writing my graduation thesis about diversity in management teams.

Daarom: Naast mijn baan als projectleider constructies…schrijf ik mijn afstudeeronderzoek over het thema diversiteit in teams!

Interesse? volg mij op twitter @wendypoppelaars

En mijn volledige cv vind je op linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/wendy-poppelaars-van-de-worp/4/522/641

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